Successfully Boosting Your SEO

Successfully Boosting Your SEO

Successfully Boosting Your SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is what helps or hurts the pages, images, and videos on your website to show up in search engine results. Search engine results are what you see when you search for something in Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. and which part of which page your link appears is based on how well it ranks against the rest of the competitive content out there. Local SEO rankings are treated a bit differently as you will see businesses show up with a map on Google’s search results if they are near by where you are searching from. Ranking well on local SEO, when appropriate, as well as National or Targeted SEO Locations should all be key aspects of your SEO Strategy.

The first and most important part of improving your SEO Rankings is the quality of Keyword Research that you perform and the Focus Keywords that you ultimately select for your web pages, images, and videos. Each web page, image, and video on your website ranks on the Focus Keyword(s) that you specify. There are different strategies for how to do your Focus Keyword Selection and hiring a professional, such as DigiLogic, to do this for you can provide you great success with your overall SEO Rank Improvement efforts.

Now, while your focus keyword selection is important, there are many other things that lead to how well each of your pages, images, and videos rank. The navigational structure of your website, blog, and/or e-commerce store is an important indication to a search engine of how your content is related to the rest of your website. How you link your content within your website is also a factor for rankings. The readability of your content is also extremely important as you don’t want to just have a bunch of words on a page without any context, and just repeating your keywords on your page will not help you as it used to in the past.

Duplicate content on your website will hurt your overall rankings, so try to keep all of your content unique in its own way, relevant to the reader, and easy to read. Proper use of title tags can play a big part of how well you rank.

The page titles for each webpage as well as their meta-description content plays an important role in how each of your focus keywords rank for search engines. They both play a key role in how likely someone is to click on your link when it does appear in their search engine results listing as the title and description you provide is what they will see.

A big factor now in how Google is ranking websites is whether or not they are mobile-friendly. Many businesses don’t realize that more than 50% of their visitors or customers are using mobile phones. Mobile Smartphone users are very likely to leave your website if it isn’t mobile-friendly or if it is too slow. So while also an important part of improving your Websites SEO Rankings, there are many other things that you can improve to increase your customer base and your revenue. Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a key design approach to building websites that will work on all smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.

Ensuring that you adhere to certain best practices while creating your website will also ensure that your website will have cross-browser functionality and work well on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. to ensure that you can reach everyone regardless of how they are browsing your website.

SEO Words - Full

Your Website Performance, or the speed in which pages display for your users is a key component to your Search Engine Rankings as well as how likely someone is to continue to use your website and/or make a purchase with you. There are a lot of different techniques to improve website performance and an assessment from a professional, such as DigiLogic, is a great way to start.

What websites and blogs link to you as well as how many link to you can very well improve your SEO Rankings.  However, just creating a bunch of links to your website is not the key to success.  The quality of those links and where they come from play a big role in how much “Link Juice” they give you in your SEO Rankings.

So take advantage of national, targeted, and local SEO.  Have your website assessed by a professional, like DigiLogic, and updated to ensure that it is in its optimal state to ensure your pages, images, and videos rank well.

Start improving your business today! Contact us for a detailed assessment of your internet and social media presence. Call us directly or fill in the form and we will get back to you to discuss how we can help your business grow.

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